How to install ITESLIVE on my BrightSign player?

The steps to follow to install the ITESLIVE software on a BrightSign device.


available with:
Brightsign Player: Starter, Pro, Premium


Important: It is important for you to have access to the micro SD card for the Brightsign device with which you wish broadcast your ITESLIVE display in order to complete the following configurations. Furthermore, the computer on which you will complete the following steps must have a micro SD card reader or an SD card reader. In the event that your computer has an SD reader, you will also need an adaptor for your micro SD card.

How to generate my player's configurations on the ITESLIVE Studio?

The configurations for the BrightSign player installation can be found in the « Broadcasting » window in the ITESLIVE Studio

Select the display you whose content you wish to display.

In the section named « 01 Select a screen » select the display you wish to broadcast.

01 - seclection du lecteur

Open the « Broadcasting » window

In the section named « 02 Select a zone » click on the broadcasting icon.
02 - À létape «02 Sélection de la zone» cliquez sur licône de diffusion.

The following are the configurations that must be applied in the broadcasting window to generate the BrightSign player's configurations. 
03 - fenêtre de diffusion

Note: In the even that the player type displayed in the broadcasting window in the ITESLIVE Studio does not represent the type of device you wish to use for your display. It is possible to change this configuration in the ITESLVIE Studio.

  • Timezone: You must select your « Timezone » from the options in this drop-down list.
  • Resolution: In the drop-down list named « Resolution », you must select the resolution that will be used by the display. The drop-down list will have selected the « 1920x1080 » resolution as the default option.
  • Color Space: The drop-down list named « Color Space » offers the following three choices. 
    • RGB
    • 4:2:0
    • 4:2:2

Important: The default configuration (RGB) will work for the majority of monitors that being said, some 4K monitors may support the 4:2:2 configuration specifically. Thus, it is important for you to read your display monitor's technical specification before selecting a configuration for the « Color Space ».

  • Depth: The drop-down list named « Depth » offers the following three configurations.  
    • 8 Bit
    • 10 Bit
    • 12 Bit

The default option is the « 8 Bit » configuration and this is a standard configuration that will work with all display monitors.

Important: There are now monitors that support the « 10 Bit » and « 12 Bit » configurations, that being said, it is important to read your display monitor's technical specifications before using one of these configurations. 

  • Time Server: The configuration named « Time Server » is used to specify the time server that will be used by the BrightSign player to synchronize its date and time. The default time server is the « » server, that being said, you can specify a different server if you wish to use a different one.

Important: The use of a time server (NTP) helps to ensure that the monitor is always using the correct date and time, this is important because any inaccuracy in this information can cause challenges in your display (IE. content using start and end dates).

  • Network Card: This configuration will be used to determine the type of connection that the BrightSign player will be using on the network. In the event that you wish to connect the player using a hardwired connection select the entry named « Wired ». 

    In the event that you wish to connect the player using a wireless connection (WiFi), select the entry named « Wireless ». When you select this configuration, the broadcasting window will add two new fields named « SSID » and « Passphrase ». You must enter the wireless network's name in the « SSID » field and the network's password in the « Passphrase » field. 
    04 - Wiresless

  • IP Address Type: This configuration is used to determiner if the IP configuration for the BrightSign player will be  generated automatically by your network (DHCP) or if the player's ip configuration will be entered manually (Static). If you select the configuration named « DHCP », you do not need to add any additional information and the configurations will be completed automatically.

    If you select the entry named « Static », you must enter the following information.
    • IP address: An IP address is a series of 4 numbers from 0 to 255 separated by periods. It uniquely identifies a host (computer or other device, such as a printer or router) on a TCP/IP network.
    • Subnet Mask: The subnet mask is used by the TCP/IP protocol to determine if a host (computer or other device, such as a printer or router) is located on a local subnetwork or on a remote network.
    • Broadcast: You must enter the last IP for you sub network, such as
    • Gateway: When a computer on your TCP/IP network communicates with an external resource, the device must use the network's « Default Gateway » (a router) that determines if the communications must be sent on the local network or to a remote network.
    • DNS 1: The IP address for the main DNS server
    • DNS 2: The IP address for the secondary DNS server

Note: The above are brief descriptions generally describing each of the required IP configurations. We strongly recommend that you obtain these configurations from you IT team. That being said, if you wish to obtain more complete descriptions of network configurations you can read the following article from the Microsoft documentation.

05 - Static

Once you have completed entering the required configurations, click on the « Save » button in the bottom right corner of the window.
06 - Sauvegarder

The configurations will then be downloaded in the form of a ZIP file by your browser.
07 - zip download

How to apply my ITESLIVE display configurations to my BrightSign player's micro SD card?

Insert the micro SD card in your computer (with the SD card reader adaptor if necessary), once it is connected please ensure that you delete all of its current content.
08 - delete content on SD

Copy the ZIP file downloaded from the Studio on the micro SD card.
09 - Copier fichier sur SD

Use the tool of your choice to extract the contents of the ZIP file to the micro SD card.
10 - extract zip

Once ou can see the content of the zip file in the folder, you can close it.
11 - dossier

We recommend that you eject the micro SD card before removing it from your computer in order to avoid corrupting the card's content newfound content. 
12 - eject

You are now ready to insert the micro SD card back into the your BrightSign player and start it up.

Note: The BrightSign player's initial configuration can take several minutes and it is possible that the player will restart several times before the initial configuration is completed.