How to install ITESLIVE on my Papercast Display

The steps to follow to install the ITESLIVE software on a Papercast Display

Important: To proceed with the installation, you will need an SD card and an adapter if your computer does not have an SD port.


Table des matières

Flash ITESLIVE on an SD card

Insert your SD card

Network Configuration / Wi-Fi, Ethernet, SIM card with a private APN



1. Flash ITESLIVE on an SD card

Download the ITESLIVE Papercast image.

Note: Please ensure you follow the steps corresponding to your operating system.

For Windows:

Download and run Balena Etcher.

Select "Flash from file" and choose the ITESLIVE image for Papercast that you have downloaded.


Click on "Select target" and select your SD card.

Important: The selected SD card will be formatted, and all content will be erased. Make sure to select the correct card and back up your files if necessary.

Note: The name of your SD card will be different from the one in the following screenshot depending on the model you have chosen.


Click on "Flash!" to start the procedure.


Please wait for confirmation that the process is complete before safely removing the card.

Tip: At this stage, you can click on "Flash another" if you need to image multiple SD cards.

For Mac and Linux:

Important: The selected SD card will be formatted, and all content will be erased. Make sure to back up your files if necessary.

Launch your terminal using one of the following methods:

  • Click on the application menu icon in your dock and type "Terminal" in the search field.

  • Press "Ctrl + Alt + T" simultaneously.

Note: You will need to perform the following commands in your terminal.

Identify your SD card.

lsblk -a

Here is an example of the expected result. The number of lines and columns may vary depending on your operating system.


Unmount your SD card

Note: You will need to replace /dev/null with the identifier from the "Filesystem" column obtained in the previous step.

sudo umount /dev/null


Decompress the ITESLIVE image for Papercast

xz --decompress /PathToYourFile/papercast.img.xz


Image ITESLIVE onto your SD card.

Warning: Make sure to use the correct identifier. Spelling mistakes and incorrect identifiers inevitably lead to data loss.

Note: You will need to replace /your/path/ with the full path of the ITESLIVE image for Papercast that you downloaded and replace /dev/null with the identifier of the 'Filesystem' column obtained in the previous step.

sudo dd if=papercast.img of=/dev/null status="progress"

If the steps have been followed correctly, you should see a progress bar or percentage indicating the advancement of the process. Once the process is complete, you can safely remove your SD card.


2. Insert your SD card

Note: You can refer to the user manual of your Papercast for more information.

Locate the SD card access panel behind the monitor.


Remove the access panel.


Insert the SD card, label facing out.

Now that the SD card is inserted, you can replace the panel and secure the four screws.


3. Network Configuration / Wi-Fi, Ethernet, SIM card with a private APN

Important: If your Papercast uses a SIM card as a network configuration, you can go directly to step 4.

As mentioned in your Papercast user manual, there are several methods to configure your device's network access. The method we recommend is through Terminal Emulator.

Note: You will need:

  • Cable-papercast-0008 diagnostic cable
  • Cable-Module-RS232-0001 USB-to-serial adapter
  • Download and install PuTTY


Connect your computer's diagnostic cable to your Papercast monitor.
Ensure that the indicator lights are flashing before launching PuTTY.

Find the connection port.

Note: The identifier of your port may vary from the one shown in the screenshots.

On Windows:

Press the Windows key and type in the search bar Device manager. Press Enter. In the new window, click on Ports and identify your serial port.


On Mac:

Open a new Terminal and enter the following command:

ls /dev/tty.*

Example of result:

# tty.usbserial-A4017DXH

The name of your port corresponds to the result obtained as well as the path to access it.



On Linux:

Open a new Terminal and enter the following command.

ls /dev | grep -E 'ttyUSB'

Example of result:


The name of your port corresponds to the result obtained as well as the path to access it.



Connection via PuTTY

Launch PuTTY, select Session and add the following information:
Serial line to connect to: The name of the port obtained in the previous step.
Speed: 115200

Click on Open.


A new Terminal will open. Wait a few minutes for the "Papercast Login" line to appear on the screen.

Tip: Press the Enter key if the line does not appear after several minutes.

Now follow the connection instructions sent by a member of our team.

Important: If you are unable to connect, contact the support team.

Connection via WiFi

Note: Before you can proceed with changes to your network configurations, you must connect with an account that has privileged access. A member of our team will provide the procedure.

Enter the following command to ensure there is no existing connection.

nmcli device wifi list

Expected result:

Enter the following command, replacing SSID with your network identifier and YourPassword with the associated password.

nmcli device wifi connect SSID password YourPassword 

Enter the following command to validate the configuration.

nmcli device

Restart your Papercast with the following command:

sudo /sbin/reboot

Connection via an Ethernet cable

Note: Before you can proceed with changes to your network configurations, you must log in with an account that has privileged access. A member of our team will provide the procedure.

Note: Ensure that your cable is properly connected before entering the following commands.

Enter the following command to activate the Ethernet connection.

nmcli device connect eth0

Set up automatic reconnection.

nmcli device set eth0 autoconnect yes

Enter the following command to validate the connection.

nmcli device

SIM card with a Private APN

Note: Before you can proceed with changes to your network configurations, you must log in with an account that has privileged access. A member of our team will provide the procedure.

Validate your connection.

nmcli device

Remove the active connection if it exists.

nmcli c delete cdc-wdm0

Validate the modem interface.

mmcli -m any | grep "primary port"

Add the connection.

  • APN with a password.
nmcli c add type gsm ifname cdc-wdm0 con-name cdc-wdm0 apn YourAPN
  • APN avec mot de passe.
nmcli c add type gsm ifname cdc-wdm0 con-name cdc-wdm0 apn YourAPN username YourUsername password YourPassword

Expected result,

Add automatic connection.

nmcli c modify cdc-wdm0 connection.autoconnect yes

Validate the automatic connection.

nmcli connection show cdc-wdm0 | grep autoconnect

Restart your Papercast with the following command

sudo /sbin/reboot


Log in to the ITESLIVE Studio.

Select the screen you want to display content on

At the step "01 Screen Selection" choose the display you want to show content on a screen.

Player selection

Open the broadcasting window

At the step "02 Zone Selection" click on the broadcasting icon

Open broadcast window

For Papercasts using a SIM card

Select Serial Number and enter the ICCID identifier of the SIM card.


For Papercasts with a WiFi or Ethernet connection:

In the broadcast window, click the button to generate an activation PIN.

 Note the activation PIN.


Launch PuTTY and connect with the privileged access account.

Stop the ITESLIVE software.

systemctl stop iteslive

Reconnect as the ites user.


As the ites user, navigate to the application file.

cd /home/ites/iteslive


node index.js

Wait for ITESLIVE to restart and insert your PIN when prompted.

Restart your Papercast with the following command.

After entering your PIN, wait for the ITESLIVE application to close and restart your monitor.

sudo /sbin/reboot