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  3. Google Clip (Sheets, Docs, Slides)

How to display a Google Slides presentation in my ITESLIVE display

Learn how to display a Google Slides presentation on your screen


available with:
Windows Player : Pro, Premium
Web Player : Pro, Premium
LG webOS Signage Player : Pro, Premium
Samsung SMART Signage Platform (SSSP / Tizen) Player : Pro, Premium
BrightSign Player: Pro, Premium
Android Player: Pro, Premium
Linux Player: Pro, Premium
macOS Player: Pro, Premium


1. Select the zone in which you wish to add Google Slides clip.

1 - Navigate to player

2. Click the « + » above the content of your playlist 

2 - click plus

3. Select the « Google » clip type

3.2 - Select Google

4. Select the « Google Slides » clip type
.3 Google Slides

5. Enter the URL for the Google Slides document you wish to broadcast. 

4 - Enter URL (slides)

Important: Please note that the editing URL for Google Slides documents are not supported by the ITESLIVE displays. You must provide the publishing URL for the document you wish to display. The following is an article explaining how to publish Google Docs, Google Slides and Google Sheets documents.


6. Adjust your clip settings

Important: When applying the settings to your Google Slides clip, you must take into consideration the page play length that was configured during the document's publication. Also, you need to check the box Start slideshow as soon as the player loads.

Click “Next” to adjust your clip settings.