How to install ITESLIVE on Tizen 7


available with:

Samsung SMART Signage Platform (SSSP / Tizen) Player : Starter, Pro, Premium


Important:  If the following steps do not correspond with the menus you are seeing on your monitor, try following the steps described in the following article instead.
How to install ITESLIVE on my Samsung SMART Signage Platform (SSSP) monitor


Important: If your device has never been used for a digital signage project, you can skip to step 2. Monitor configuration.

If your monitor has been used for a digital signage project, the following steps are mandatory.

1. Resetting the monitor

Press on the menu button on your remote control.
step 12.2

Once in the menu, select the "System" entry, once in this submenu, select the "General" entry.
Step 1

Once in the "General" menu, select the "Empty Storage" entry.
Step 2

The monitor will then ask you to confirm that you wish to empty the storage, select "Yes".
Step 3

Once the storage has been emptied, once more in the "System" menu, select the "Reset System" entry.
Step 4

The monitor will ask you to confirm that you wish to reset the system settings, select "Yes".
Step 5

Once you have the confirmation that the system settings have been reset, you can continue with the following steps.
Step 6

Press the "Menu" button on your remote.
step 12.2

Select the "System" menu and select the "Start Setup" entry.
Step 7


2. Monitor Configuration

On the first page that is displayed during the monitor configuration, select the word "Hello"  in the desired language.
Step 8

There may be a slight delay while your monitor detects the available networks. Once the network list is displayed, select the desired network.

Step 9

Then enter your WiFi network's password.
Step 10

The monitor will display a confirmation message once the connexion has been established successfully.
Step 11

The monitor will then ask which type of installation type you wish to use to setup your monitor, select the "Manual Setup" option.
Step 12

Select the display orientation that will be used for your project, in the example below the Landscape orientation has been selected.
Step 13

Select the "Custom App" in the "Player Selection" options.
Step 14

You can simply skip the "Connect to RM Server" step.
Step 15

Set the current date and time and select the "Next" button.
Step 16

Create a NIP that consists of 6 numbers, this NIP will be requested by the monitor when someone attempts to edit security configurations in the monitor.

Important: It is important to document the NIP created during this step, because without it certain menus in the monitor will not be accessible.

Step 17

A message indicating that the monitor is ready to be used will be displayed, you can continue with the following steps afterwards. 
Step 18

Press the "Menu" button on your remote.
step 12.2

Select the "System" menu.
Step 19

In the "System" menu, select the "Time" entry.
Step 20

In the "Time" menu, select the "NTP Settings" entry.
Step 21

In the "NTP Settings" select the "Server URL" entry.
Step 22

Enter the following URL.
Step 23

Once you are back in the "NTP Settings" menu, select the "Time Zone" entry, then select your time zone in the list.
Step 24

After having selected your time zone, select the "Save" button.
Step 25

The monitor will then restart to reset the current time.
Step 26

Return to the "System" menu and select the "Auto Source Switching" entry.
Step 27

In the "Auto Source Switching" menu, select the "Auto Source Switching" configuration.
Step 28

Select the "New Input" value for the "Auto Source Switching" configuration. Then select the "Default input" configuration.Step 29

Select the "Custom App" value.
Step 30

Now press the home button on your remote.

In the menu that opens, select the "Custom App" entry and enter the following URL to install the ITESLIVE software.
Step 31

The monitor will confirm that the installation has been completed and will start the application automatically afterwards.Step 32

Once the application has been started, the following loading screen will be displayed.Starting ITESLIVE

Once the software is ready, you will see an ITESLIVE message  asking for an ITESLIVE ID. You must enter your display's ID and once it has been confirmed the display will begin downloading its content.

Note: The steps you need to follow to obtain an ID are included below.

Step 34


The ITESLIVE ID can be found on the ITESLIVE Studio, the following are the steps required to access this information.

Select the screen with the content you wish to display

At step “01 Select a Screen,” choose the display with the content you wish to show on screen.

Player selection

Open the broadcasting window

At “02 Select a Zone,” click the broadcasting icon.

Open broadcast window

Click the "Generate player activation Pin" button.

Click the "Accept" button to generate a PIN.

Important: Please note that the display on the screen will be interrupted if the new PIN generated is used in the presence of an old PIN and the latter will be revoked.


Take note of your ITESLIVE ID


Note: In the even that the player type displayed in the broadcasting window in the ITESLIVE Studio does not represent the type of device you wish to use for your display. It is possible to change this configuration in the ITESLVIE Studio.