How to create a new playlist

Learn how to create a new playlist


Windows player: Starter, Pro, Premium
Web player: Starter, Pro, Premium
LG webOS Signage Player: Starter, Pro, Premium
Samsung SMART Signage Platform (SSSP / Tizen) Player: Starter, Pro, Premium
Brightsign Player: Starter, Pro, Premium
Android Player: Starter, Pro, Premium
Linux Player: Starter, Pro, Premium
macOS Player: Starter, Pro, Premium


1. Where to create new playlists

You can create new playlists in one of three places:

  • Directly from the menu.
  • When you are adding a playlist to another playlist.
  • When you are overwriting a playlist.

Directly from the menu

Step 1

Go to the “Settings” menu and select the “Manage Playlists” submenu.

When you are adding a playlist to another playlist

1. Select the zone where you want to add a new playlist.

2. Click the “+” above the content of your playlist.

3. Click “Playlist.”

When you are overwriting a playlist

Click the double arrow symbol at the top right of your playlist.

switch playlist

1. Select the zone where you want to change a playlist.

2. Click the double arrow symbol above your playlist.

3. Choose the desired playlist.

2. Creating a new playlist 

To create a new playlist:

1. Start by selecting a directory.

2. Click “New Playlist” at the top of the window.

3. Enter the playlist settings.

Playlist settings

Name: Establish a system for naming your ITESLIVE directories and files to help keep your content in order.

Width and height: This is the resolution of your playlist. If you create a playlist when selecting a zone, the width and height will automatically be filled in to match the zone’s preprogrammed resolution settings. Otherwise, make sure the resolution you enter corresponds to the zone where you are creating a new playlist. You can see these resolutions under your zone template, as illustrated below:


Type and length of transition: This indicates the style of animation used when a clip from your playlist appears on screen. 

Note: You can also set up a separate transition for each clip. The transition programmed for a clip will take precedence over the default playlist transition. 

3. Adding this playlist to your screens

You can now add the playlist that you have just created to your screens. To proceed, you can:

Add a playlist to another playlist.

Overwrite the playlist in a zone on your screen.