How do I need to proceed to send a change request for my digital signage project

This article describes the different steps in the submission of a change request for your digital signage project


available with:
Windows Player : Starter, Pro, Premium
Web Player : Starter, Pro, Premium
LG webOS Signage Player : Starter, Pro, Premium
Samsung SMART Signage Platform (SSSP / Tizen) Player : Starter, Pro, Premium
Brightsign Player: Starter, Pro, Premium
Android Player: Starter, Pro, Premium
Linux Player: Starter, Pro, Premium
macOS Player: Starter, Pro, Premium


Are you looking to have templates produced, are you looking to know how to proceed to add new ITESLIVE licenses, do you think that you need to change the type of licenses, in all of these cases our team can help you. The following are the steps you need to follow to send us your request.

1. Contact the ITESMEDIA sales team

Send your request to, our team will review the information you have provided and will send your request for analysis internally.

2. Request evaluation by ITESMEDIA

Our team will analyze your needs and the work that is required to fulfill them, at this stage, it is possible that our team will reach out to you to obtain more information to better understand your request. An official proposition will be written according to the results of our team's analysis.

3. Proposition sent for approval and quote signature

Once the proposition for the required work has been written, it will be sent to you in the form of a quote that must be signed to confirm your approval.

4. Scheduling and executing the required work

Once the proposition has been accepted, the required work will be scheduled with the team and a delivery date for the final result will be communicated to you.

5. Request delivery and training

Once the changes have been completed, our team will communicate with you. Furthermore, should a training session have been included in the proposition to train your team on any new elements added to your ITESLIVE account, it is at this time that it will be scheduled with you.