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Which web browser should I use to work on the ITESLIVE Studio

A short list of recommended browsers to use to work on the ITESLIVE Studio


Available with:
Windows Player : Starter, Pro, Premium
Web Player : Starter, Pro, Premium
LG webOS Signage Player : Starter, Pro, Premium
Samsung SMART Signage Platform (SSSP / Tizen) Player : Starter, Pro, Premium
Brightsign Player: Starter, Pro, Premium
Android Player: Starter, Pro, Premium
Linux Player: Starter, Pro, Premium
macOS Player: Starter, Pro, Premium


The ITESLIVE Studio is a web application that you can use in any modern web browser, this means that there is no software installation required for the ITESLIVE Studio to function you can simply open it directly in your web browser using the following URL.


The following are examples of browsers you can use.

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge

Important: In the same way that the ITESLIVE continuously evolves over time, the organizations that develop these web browsers continuously make their product evolve. Thus, it is important to keep your browser up to date to have an optimal experience on the ITESLIVE Studio.