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What to do if your content is not in the right language

Learn how to change the language of your content (screen)

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If your screen is showing content in another language, start by checking these three things, in the order shown:

  1. The languages supported by the zone template

  2. The language settings for the objects

  3. The selected language for the zone template

It is recommended you check all three, since there may be more than one setting to correct.

1. The languages supported by the zone

When you create a new template, you need to indicate what the supported languages are. This is not a required field, so you may have neglected to fill it in. To check whether this item is causing a problem, follow the steps below.

1.1 Go to the editor

If you’re not sure how to get to the editor, this article will help

1.2 Click the gear icon

1.2 Click the gear icon

1.3 Make sure the language you wish to use is in the list

1.3 Make sure the language you wish to use is in the list

Important: If no language is defined, the default is English.

2. The language settings for the objects

This is the language you define for the objects you add to the zone template editor or clip editor. To check whether this item is causing a problem, follow the steps below.

2.1 Go to the editor

If you’re not sure how to get to the editor, this article will help.

2.2 Double click the object that is showing in the wrong language

2.2 Click the object that is showing in the wrong language

2.3 Make sure the content is correct, based on the selected language

In the image below, the selected language is English and the selected image is the English version.

the selected language is English and the selected image is the English version.

In the image below, the selected language is English and the selected image is the English version.

configure data

Important: If you tick the “Do Not Use Languages” box and your zone template supports one or more languages, the language the content is displayed in may not be the one you wish.

3. The selected language for the template

This is the setting that will specifically determine which language the content will be displayed in. To check whether this item is causing a problem, follow the steps below.

3.1 Go to the zone template settings

3.1 Go to the zone template settings

3.2 Select the desired display language

3.2 Select the desired display language