What is the difference between content distribution by copy or distribution by reference

Learn what is the difference between content distribution by copy or distribution by reference


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When we talk about distributing clips, whether it be by reference or by copy, we are referring to two methods one can use to share content across their signage network while limiting the number of times the user must create a single piece of content. It is a tool that has been available in the ITESLIVE software for some time, that being said, the method used by this feature has changed from a copy based distribution to a reference based distribution. This article will explain the difference between the two methods and the advantages the changing to the reference method gives our users.

Distribution by copy (old method)

In the past, the content distribution was done by sending independent copies of the selected clip to the displays specified by the user. The user would indeed save time while creating communications because they can send a communication to their entire network even if each display in their network is configured to be managed individually, without having to create said communication multiple time. That being said, the shortcoming of this method is that maintaining the content that was distributed can become more tedious because every element that was distributed is independent and must be updated individually.

Distribution by reference (new method)

The distribution by reference retains the same benefit of saving time and effort for users when they create content. However, with this method the user will also save time and effort when updating their distributed content, instead of editing each clip individually this method allows all of the clips to be edited simply by editing the original clip that was distributed. Furthermore, it is possible to remove the clip from the entire signage network by deleting the original clip.

The following are different manipulations that can be completed using the advanced distribution module.