Training plan: Display network administrator

Training plan for the display network administrator

Note: This is the training plan when it is given by a trainer from the ITESMEDIA team.

1. Interface overview

The first part of the training session explains the different sections of the interface to ensure users can properly navigate in the environment. Because this training is intended for display network administrators, emphasis is put on the first section, 01 Select a screen, to properly explain how the display network is structured.

  • Different ways to review the display network and the display statuses.
  • The account group -» Site  -» Player 
  • Difference between a user’s permissions and the displays they can access based on the account(s) group they are linked to.

Here are links to our online knowledge base related to this subject:


2. User management

The second part of the training explains user management processes.

2.1 Users

  • Adding a user
  • Removing a user
  • Deactivating the access of a user
  • Defining an end date for a user’s access
  • Modifying a user’s group account
  • Linking other group accounts to a user
  • Setting up a user’s permissions
  • Assigning a role to a user
  • Setting up notifications received from a user
  • Activating a user’s two-factor authentication (can also be activated globally for an entire group account)


Here are links to our knowledge base related to this subject:


2.2 Roles (Pro and Premium versions)

How to create a role that can then be assigned to current or new users.


Here are links to our knowledge base related to this subject:

manage roles

2.3 Shared files

How to share file folders, templates and playlists with users and/or accounts group.

2.4 Permissions by content

How to grant access to specific content such as templates and playlists.

For example, if a central playlist managed by the head office is shared on the entire network, it is possible to restrict editing rights to a group of users. As such, the user of a site in particular could continue managing the content of the displays to which they have access without being able to edit (or delete) content that is managed centrally by the head office.

2.5 Password policy

How to set up a password policy and what are the various settings.

Here is a link to our online knowledge base related to this subject:

Password policy

3.  Player screenshot dashboard 

The third part of the training presents the player screenshot dashboard and its functionalities.


Here is a link to our online knowledge base related to this subject:


4.  Player dashboard 

The fourth part of the training presents the player dashboard and its functionalities.


Here is a link to our online knowledge base related to this subject:

player dashboard

5.  Display player settings

The fifth part of the training presents the various settings and their functionalities that can be leveraged at the player level.

5.1 Editing a player's information

This section enables users to, among others:

  • Change the name of a player (if you change the location of the player)
  • Activate or deactivate the player
  • Assign a display licence to a player
  • Change the settings of the IWatch monitoring system
  • Set up alert parameters sent by the player

Here are links to our online knowledge base related to this subject:

Capture d’écran, le 2023-04-05 à 15.32.39

5.2 Accessing a player’s information

The “More details” window shows many types of information on the status of the player, the hardware history (for devices that can provide us this data), the history of screenshots and of player events, as well as some IT-related information (IP address, for example).


Here is a link to our online knowledge base related to this subject:

Capture d’écran, le 2023-04-05 à 15.34.44

5.3 Status planning and software updates of displays

Used, among others, to set up display start times (turning on) and end times (turning off). These settings can also be managed at the level of a site or an account group to apply the parameters to more than one display at the same time.

Here is a link to our online knowledge base related to this subject:

Capture d’écran, le 2023-04-04 à 14.08.54

5.4 Sending commands and viewing the command console

The command console enables users to send commands remotely (from the studio) to the displays. Commands can also be sent to the level of a site or an account group to apply the parameters to more than one display at the same time. Examples of commands:

  • Force update
  • Turn display on/off
  • Computer restart
  • Software restart
  • Clear database

Here is a link for our online knowledge base related to this subject:


6.  Implementation and questions

The last part of the training is a Q&A with users to assess their understanding. The course instructor will ask participants about different steps to follow to ensure notions were properly understood.

After this training session, users can attend additional sessions (depending on the terms of their contract). They can follow personalized sessions, or choose training about the template editor or about managing content.