Training plan - Template editor for transit authorities

The training plan offered to transit authorities companies specifically on the template editor.


available with:
Windows Player : Premium
Web Player : Premium
LG webOS Signage Player : Premium
Samsung SMART Signage Platform (SSSP / Tizen) Player : Premium
Brightsign Player: Premium
Android Player: Premium
Linux Player: Premium
macOS Player: Premium


1. Overview of the tools available in the template editor

2. Internal data template creation

2.1 Definition editor

A demonstration of the feature that allows users to create the fields that will be filled by users while creating a message clip on the Studio.

2.2 Creating a message template

A step by step demonstration of the creation of a message template that broadcasts data generated by users on the ITESLIVE Studio.

3. Creating an external data template (GTFS)

3.1 Creating a template that broadcasts trips from a GTFS feed

A step by step demonstration of the creation of a transport (public transit) template that broadcasts data generated by a GTFS feed.

3.2 Creating a template that broadcasts passenger information from a GTFS feed

A step by step demonstration of the creation of a transport (public transit) template that broadcasts passenger information generated by a GTFS feed.

4.  Implementation and questions

The last part of the training is a Q&A with users to assess their understanding. The course instructor will ask participants about different steps to follow to ensure notions were properly understood.

After this training session, users can attend additional sessions (depending on the terms of their contract). They can follow personalized sessions, or choose training about the template editor or about managing content.